The Female Villains Wiki

Suigintou is the first of the Rozen Maiden dolls in the animation Rozen Maiden.



silver-white hair and pink eyes, the latter of which are purposefully shown to have narrow, slit pupils. She wears a dark blue headband with black lace trimming.[1]


With her arrow-like feathers, she can conjure up a shield, a large sword, or even twin black dragon heads. Suigintou can also create destructive blue flames as a last resort in battle. Suigintou's varied abilities, particularly when combined with her savagely cunning nature, make her one of the strongest players in the Alice Game. After she absorbed Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica, Suigintou was able to use Souseiseki's Gardener Shears. However, when Suigintou lost her Rosa Mystica to Barasuishou, Souseiseki's came out as well. At the end of Träumend, when Suigintou regained her Rosa Mystica, it is unclear if she regained Souseiseki's as well.[1]


1. ↑ SuigintouRozen Maiden Wiki

